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Carrier Relationships
At Highland Capital Brokerage, we understand that carrier selection is critical to success. That’s why we work with providers dedicated to the values of relationships, opportunity, and collaboration. We only engage with carriers willing and able to meet our mutually beneficial requirements and deliver the best products to meet your clients’ needs.
Tiered Life Platform
We take working together seriously. Our tiered platform reflects this, allowing us to strategically collaborate with top carriers, ensuring your business is handled by the best teams in the most strategic and efficient way possible.
Our life Tier-1 and Tier-2 carriers include:

Annuity Carriers
Our annuity platform includes fixed and indexed products from many of our life product providers, as well as other industry leaders such as:
Longevity Carriers
Because all comprehensive financial plans should include a longevity planning conversation, we partner with select carriers to offer linked-benefits solutions, stand-alone long-term care, and more. These partners include:

Disability Carriers
Because a comprehensive financial plan should include protection for your client’s largest asset—the ability to earn—we partner with select disability insurance carriers to provide the most appropriate solution for your client’s needs and budget.

For a complete list of our carrier partners, please select from the below: